
Archive for January, 2013

Continuation of Low Volume Payment Adjustment and Extension of Special Payment Provision for MDH’s

January 11th, 2013 No comments

The American Taxpayer Relief Act passed on January 1, 2013 included Medicare provisions that will impact some hospitals for cost reporting periods ending after September 30, 2012.  Section 605 of the Act extends the current Low Volume Payment adjustment through September 30, 2013. The temporary improvements to the Low Volume Payment Adjustment established by ACA Sections 3125 and 10314 were set to expire for services rendered on or after October 1, 2012.  ACA of 2010,

In addition Section 606 of the Act, extended the Medicare Dependent Hospital (MDH) program for services through September 30, 2013.  The MDH program was set to expire for services on or after September 30, 2012.

Both of these provisions will require changes to the 2552-10 cost reporting instructions and we will incorporate these changes into the software when we receive revised instructions from CMS.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at