Thank you to all who attended our meeting. We had about 240 clients this year. Las Vegas was fun and I think we had a great meeting.
The meeting is intended to relay relative information to our clients and go over the use of Health Financial Systems software. We always come back with great suggestions for our software. We appreciate the interaction and input from our User’s Group. If you have any suggestions for next year’s meeting please e-mail me.
If you are interested in downloading the presentations from the meeting, please follow this link.
From the link you can download a zipped file of the information used for the presentations. Thank you to all of our speakers who were willing to share their presentations with us. We did not put our feature presentations on the list as we worked from our manual on these. If you would like to go over any feature, have suggestions or problems, as always please contact us.
HFS received CMS approval for T.20 on 9/17/2009.
See Pete Harmon’s blog for details…
Just a reminder…Our User Meeting will be on Thursday October 22, 2009 and Friday October 23, 2009 in Las Vegas. The first day of our meeting will focus on Hospital and Home Health Agency current issues, particularly the new 2552-10 for hospitals. The second day of our meeting will be spent going through the HFS software and its productivity features. This link will take you to our User Meeting Flyer with more information:
Our room block with the Westin Casuarina expires on September 21st. It is almost full, so make your reservations soon to receive the room rate of $135. You can call the hotel at (866)837-4215 or make your reservations on their website
If you plan to attend and have not already done so, please return your registration form to us with payment as soon as possible.
The agendas have been updated at the following links:
If you have any questions e-mail or call us.
On Friday, August 28, 2009 we sent additional HFS comments on the Draft 2552-10 to CMS. These additional comments were the result of having input numbers into the forms. These comments are available in PDF format: MORE HFS DRAFT 2552-10 COMMENTS
As part of a national effort to raise the awareness of the importance of a complete and accurate Medicare Cost Report, HFS is part of a committee with the National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC). We are trying to get this message out to all HHA cost report preparers, by distributing a news release published by NAHC in July 2009.
If CMS rebases the HHA rates, it will be the cost report that is used for the information. Thus, the more complete and accurate the information, the more likely accurate rates will be determined.
Please read the NAHC news release and share it with any HHA cost report preparer you may know. If you have any questions about this, please contact Pete Harmon, at (916)686-8152, or

Medical University graduates throw up mortarboards during the celebration of their graduation in Minsk, June 27, 2014. More than one thousand doctors left the university this year. REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko (BELARUS – Tags: EDUCATION SOCIETY HEALTH) – RTR3W1C5
CARROT SYSTEM- Project Reporting System by HFS