Hospital 2552-10 Software Development & Proposed Filing Extensions

July 15th, 2011 No comments
We are currently beta testing the new 2552-10 software in numerous sites across the country.  Unfortunately, the new form set is still not final and therefore neither is our hospital software.  CMS is still working on Transmittal 2.  Transmittal 2 is needed is to fix various problems in Transmittal 1 (the current version of the 2552-10).  Transmittal 2 will also implement numerous provisions of the  ACA that were not included in Transmittal 1.  We will work diligently to incorporate the Transmittal 2 changes into our 2552-10 software so that we may obtain CMS approval as quickly as possible.  Once we obtain CMS approval we will release the 2552-10 software to all of our customers.
We realize many of you are concerned about the diminished time you will have to timely prepare and submit your hospital cost reports .  We have expressed your concerns to CMS for many months now.  CMS has proposed extensions for the 2552-10, but we have NOT received this as a final communication from CMS.  (See  table, below.) When we do, we’ll let everyone know.  Until then, we can only wait on CMS.
Fiscal Year End Due Date Proposed Due Date Extension
4/30/2011 9/30/2011 11/30/2011 60 days
5/31/2011 10/31/2011 11/30/2011 30 days
6/30/2011 11/30/2011 1/31/2012 60 days
7/30/2011 12/31/2011 1/31/2012 30 days
8/31/2011 1/31/2012 2/29/2012 30 days
9/30/2011 2/29/2012 3/31/2012 30 days
10/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2012 None
11/30/2011 4/30/2012 4/30/2012 None
Proposed Extensions of Cost Report Filing Due Dates
by Chuck Briggs

2540‐10 Form Set Update

July 14th, 2011 No comments

The new 2540-10 form set is effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or after 12/1/2010. For any short cost reporting period beginning on or after 12/1/2010 and ending prior to 11/30/2011, providers will continue to file on the form CMS 2540-96. No extension is proposed at this time.

on Transmittal 2 and advised us there will be a Transmittal 3 sometime later this year. Transmittal 3 will implement applicable provisions of ACA section 6104. (Published in Federal Register, March 11, 2011, .)

The table below shows CMS proposed timeline for the Transmittal 3 changes.

by Chuck Briggs


New CMS IACS/PS&R Website

January 25th, 2011 No comments

“CMS now has a website to better service providers using IACS to access PS&R. CMS wants providers to visit the new website instead of immediately contacting the IACS help desk regarding PS&R registration or access issues. The website is located at :

Categories: General Information Tags: ,

Luke DiSabato Joins HFS

October 8th, 2010 No comments

I announce with pleasure that Luke DiSabato has joined Health Financial Systems support group starting 10/4/2010.

Luke is a graduate of The University of Notre Dame and has a high level of experience in Medicare.

Luke has over 20 years of experience working in the FI/MAC environment. Many of you know Luke from his previous employment and I know you will help me in welcoming him.

Luke’s contact information is:

As part of the support team, Luke can also be reached on the support line, (888)216-6041 and e-mail,

Luke will be working out of OH. This will enhance our service to our East Coast users.

Thank you,

Becky Dolin
Health Financial Systems
8109 Laguna Boulevard
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Categories: Cost Report News, Software Support Tags:

MAC Round II Procurements

July 26th, 2010 No comments

CMS’s Plans for the A/B Medicare Administrative Contractor Round II Procurements: Important Information for Potential Offerors Concerning –

  • Consolidation of A/B MAC Jurisdictions
  • Management of the A/B MAC Marketplace
  • Responsibilities of the A/B MAC Medical Directors

For the full document, download the PDF here:

Categories: Cost Report News Tags:

Getting the Class not Registered Message?

April 2nd, 2010 No comments

Some users have received the Class not Registerederror message when starting the HFS software software or when opening a worksheet within the software. If you are receiving this message, follow the link below for instruction on how to resolve the problem:

HotFix HF20100309CNR:

Categories: Software Support Tags:

Pete Harmon HFS Blog Has Moved

February 23rd, 2010 No comments

Pete Harmon’s HFS blog has moved to a new location.
The new address is:

Categories: General Information Tags:

SNF (2540-96) Transmittal 17

February 1st, 2010 No comments

CMS recently issued a new Transmittal 17 for the SNF, 2540-96. T.17 is effective for FY End 10/1/2009 and after (i.e. must use T.17, our version 17). W/S S-2 line 20 was revised to REQUIRE an answer, F for a Full report; L for a Low Medicare Utilization report; and N for a No Medicare Utilization report. W/S S-5, lines 10 and 11 are now N/A, effective for FYE 5/31/2009 and after, due to HIPPA data sensitivity. W/S S-4 part III, columns 5 and 6 (SCIC visits), is N/A effective for services on or after 1/1/2006. Similarly, W/S H-6, lines 8.05, 8.06, 8.09, and 8.10, are N/A for SCIC payments. W/S I-4 was revised for the H1N1 vaccine changes. Effective for services on or after 9/1/2009, new columns 2.01 and 2.02 were added for H1N1 Only, and Influenza and H1N1 combined, respectively. W/S E part III, line 10.04 is a NEW line added for Dual Eligible Bad debt Recoveries.

HHA Transmittal 14

February 1st, 2010 No comments

CMS issued a new Transmittal 14 for the HHA (1728-94 Forms). It is effective for FYE on or after 10/1/2009 (i.e. must use T.14 for these FYE). T.14 implements the RHC/FQHC phase out of the Outpatient Mental Health Limit of 62.5%, over 5 years. W/S RF-3, line 14 calculation will remain 62.5% for services through 12/31/2009. For services 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2011, the Limit is 68.75%. For services 1/1/2012 to 12/31/2012, the Limit is 75%. For services 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2013, the Limit is 81.25%. For services on or after 1/1/2014, the Limit is zero, or 100% reimbursement is computed.

T.14 also implements the H1N1 vaccine changes, effective for services on or after 9/1/2009. W/S RF-4 has added columns 2.01 and 2.02 to capture data and calculate the costs of H1N1 and Influenza vaccines. Medical Supply cost, Total Injections, and Medicare Injections must be split (identified) between Pneumococcal, Seasonal Influenza, H1N1 Only, and Influenza and H1N1 combined.

T.14 codified the change to eliminate W/S S-3 part IV, columns 5 and 6, for SCIC. These columns are no longer used effective for services on or after 1/1/2008. T.14 also added the FI/MAC “name” to S-2 line 29.02, column 3. We have a table in our W/S S-2 HELP, with all the names. We are awaiting the CMS Test Case and beginning of the approval process for T.14.

Hospital Transmittal 21

February 1st, 2010 No comments

Transmittal 21 is effective for FYE on or after 10/1/2009 (i.e. must use T.21 for FYE 10/1/2009 and after), except for the H1N1 Vaccine changes which are effective for services on or after 9/1/2009.

T.21 added three new ancillary cost centers, Cardiac Rehab, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and Lithotripsy. These will be available from our “pick list” of cost centers. W/S S-3 part I, line 26, columns 5.01, 5.02, 6.01, and 6.02, for Observation Bed Days, are N/A for FY Begin 10/1/2009 and after. No more “admitted” and not admitted split.

Total observation bed days will now be subtracted in the calculation of E part A, line 3 (bed days available). W/S E part A and L part I, line 4.01 or 5.01, are revised to INCLUDE in Total days, the Labor and Delivery Days from the NEW line 29 of S-3 part I. This is effective for FY Begin 10/1/2009 and after.

W/S S-2 line 21.01, column 2 was added for Pickle providers (“Y” indicates Pickle for operating DSH). If Pickle, then the allowable DSH percentage is automatically 35%, on E part A line 4.03.

W/S E-3 part I, lines 1.02, 1.04, 1.41, and 1.42 must be subscripted for column 1.01, if the FY overlaps 10/1/2009, as the LIP “factor” changed from 0.6229 to 0.4613. You only need to split payments on line 1.02 as we calculate the rest. W/S M-3 line 14 calculation is phasing out the “limit”, over 5 years. For services through 12/31/2009 the 62.5% limitation remains. For services 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2011, the limit is 68.75%. For services 1/1/2012 to 12/31/2012 the limit is 75%. For services 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2013 the limit is 81.25%. For services on or after 1/1/2014, the limit is zero, or 100% reimbursement.

W/S M-4 added columns 2.01 and 2.02 for the H1N1 vaccine. Medical Supply cost, Total injections, and Medicare injections must be split between Pneumococcal, Influenza, H1N1 Only, and Influenza and H1N1 combined.

For even more up-to-date news, visit Pete Harmon’s blog at

Categories: Cost Report News, Hospitals Tags: